Queen of Peace Church is committed to making Jesus Christ known and loved by building a Community of faith. We do this with worship and prayer, by teaching and living the Gospel, and by reaching out service to those in need.
On behalf of our Queen of Peace Parish Community let me welcome you to Queen of Peace Church, located in North Arlington, New Jersey. We are a Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Newark. We invite all parishioners to register and participate fully in our spiritual and social life together.
With prayers and God’s blessings, I remain,
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Father Anthony Di Stefano
Queen of Peace Church is committed to making Jesus Christ known and loved by building a Community of faith. We do this with worship and prayer, by teaching and living the Gospel, and by reaching out service to those in need.
We are pleased to announce the start of our Spring Calendar Raffle with our first drawing on April 1st. All subsequent drawings are each Wednesday, beginning April 9th, at 10am in the Rectory Office. All tickets eligible daily. Winner need not be present. Winners will be acknowledged in the bulletin and on the website.
See results on the CR Page
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am – 3:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Friday & Sunday: CLOSED
Saturday: 3:45PM to 4:45PM
Select Mondays: 4:30PM to 5PM (mid Sept. to mid May)
or by appointment with the priest on duty arranged
by calling in advance during Rectory Office Hours.
On selected Mondays of the month an English/Bilingual Holy Hour is offered from 7-8pm for specific intentions throughout the year. On the last Wednesday of the month, a Holy Hour in Spanish is offered from 7:00-8:15pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
on select Mondays, 3-5pm in the Church.
Immediately following the 9am Mass
Monday – Saturday in the Church.
Daily Mass:
Monday thru Friday:
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM
5:30PM (M,W,F – English & T, Th – Spanish)
(No 5:30 PM Mass from mid May to mid Sept.)
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Anticipated Mass)
7:30AM, 9:00AM (Spanish), 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon
Livestream of Mass: Daily Mass 9am and Sunday 9am (Spanish) & 10:30am (English)
5:30pm (English) Vigil Mass
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
& 7:00 PM (Bilingual) on the Holy Day
9:00 AM only Daily Mass
Confessions, 3:45 PM: Fr. Jose
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 7:30 AM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 9:00 AM (Spanish): Fr. Jose
Sunday, 10:30 AM: Fr. John
Sunday, 12:00 PM: Fr. Jose
Confessions, 3:45 PM: Fr. Jose
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 7:30 AM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 9:00 AM (Spanish): Fr. Jose
Sunday, 10:30 AM: Fr. Jose
Sunday, 12:00 PM: Fr. John
Confessions, 3:45 PM: Fr. Jose
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 7:30 AM: Fr. John
Sunday, 9:00 AM (Spanish): Fr. Jose
Sunday, 10:30 AM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 12:00 PM: Fr. Jose
Confessions, 3:45 PM: Fr. Jose
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 7:30 AM: Fr. John/Fr.Anthony
Sunday, 9:00 AM (Spanish): Fr. Jose
Sunday, 10:30 AM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 12:00 PM: Fr. Jose/Fr.Anthony
Confessions, 3:45 PM: Fr. Jose
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 7:30 AM: Fr. Anthony
Sunday, 9:00 AM (Spanish): Fr. Jose
Sunday, 10:30 AM: Fr. Jose
Sunday, 12:00 PM: Fr. John
The 2024 Annual Appeal will fund essential programs and ministries at the heart of our Catholic mission in our four counties – namely to proclaim the gospel, to pass on the faith to future generations, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments, and to care for the poor and those on the margins.
Church Doors Open:
Monday-Saturday: 7:00AM-6:00PM (Summer: Open until 4:00pm)
Sunday 7:00AM-1:00PM
Parish Rectory Phone: (201) 997-0700 | Fax: (201) 997-6214
Rev. Anthony Di Stefano (Pastor): Ext. 112, adistefano@qpcna.org
Rev. Jose P. Muralles (Parochial Vicar): Ext. 126, jmuralles@qpcna.org
Mrs. Doreen Allaghi (Business Manager): Ext. 116, dallaghi@qpcna.org
Mrs. Rosemary Smith (Pastoral Assistant): Ext. 110, rsmith@qpcna.org
Mr. Gary Sabak (Music Director): Ext. 115, gsabak@qpcna.org
Religious Ed: (201) 998-0901 | Grammar School: (201) 998-8222
Mrs. Therese Bellifemine (DRE): tbellifemine@qpcna.org
Dr. Linda Jacewich (QPGS Principal): ljacewich@qpgs.org
Mrs. Pauline Rakowski (QPGS Secretary): prakowski@qpgs.org
10 Franklin Place, North Arlington, NJ 07031