We are pleased that Queen of Peace Church’s ever-involved parishioner Marianne Mackey, has been selected with the honor of Citizen of the Year by the North Arlington Elks Lodge awarded on Sunday, June 2nd. Not only does Marianne serve daily and Sundays as Lector and Eucharistic Minister, but she visits and supports our homebound and sick parishioners bringing the love of Christ and her fellow parishioners to those who are unable to join us physically in celebration. As the head of our Care & Share Ministry, Marianne extends the hands of God to so many who are in need in our North Arlington and surrounding communities, through our Food Pantry, Healing Masses & Luncheons, as well as our Life is a Gift and the Sharing in the Joy of Christmas gift drives. She is always willing to help everyone and give a hand whatever may be asked of her for her parish and community. On behalf of all the parishioners of Queen of Peace, we congratulate Marianne on this well-deserved award!