Parish Staff

Fr. Anthony Di Stefano, Pastor

P: (201)-997-0700 x 112 | E:

Father Anthony R. Di Stefano was born in Brooklyn, New York. He received his B.A. in history from Rutgers University, New Brunswick and Juris Doctorate from Rutgers School of Law. After 18 plus years working as an attorney and establishing his own law firm, Fr Anthony discovered a “new-found love of Jesus Christ”. He served as a lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and lay assistant coordinator of the RCIA program at his home parish (St. Bartholomew of the Apostle, Scotch Plains) before his ordination as a priest in 2018. Fr. Anthony spent his deaconate at Holy Family Church in Nutley and comes to us after serving as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph’s Parish in Oradell/New Milford, New Jersey. He was a very integral part of Parish Life there and brings all of his energy and talents to our Queen of Peace Community.

Fr. Jose Pablo Muralles, Parochial Vicar

P: (201)-997-0700 x 123 | E:

Deacon William R. Benedetto | 1948-2024

God Bless you Deacon Bill Benedetto. In our eternal prayers with our gratitude for his ministry, care, and service, guiding our parish family to grow in wisdom, grace, and peace.

Deacon William “Bill” Benedetto, served as former Director of Religious Education at Queen of Peace, and was a lifelong resident of North Arlington residing in the same home that his grandfather built here in 1925. Throughout his tenure with Queen of Peace, he worked as a dedicated teacher of CCD (Religious Education Classes). After attending Queen of Peace Grammar School, he went on to graduate from North Arlington High School where he met his wife, beloved Queen of Peace Grammar School teacher, Mrs. Lorraine Benedetto. His personal history gives hope to those wavering in their faith. His faith is what helped him cope with the passing of his daughter Annemarie, and what inspired his son Reverend William Benedetto to pursue his own vocation as a priest. Deacon Bill was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on May 16, 1992, and was assigned here to Queen of Peace Church where he served until he entered Eternal Life on July 29, 2024.

Deacon William H. Myers | 1935-2022

God Bless you Deacon Bill Myers, good and faithful servant, take up the rest you truly deserve amongst the communion of saints and the choir of angels. May perpetual light shine upon you. Amen.

Bill grew up in Kearny having gone to St. Cecilia’s Grammar and High School. He went on to St. Peter’s College to the School of Business Administration where he graduated with a BS in Accounting. Following graduation, he entered the US Army where he was sent overseas to Germany with the Third Infantry Division Finance Corp for a period of two years. He was discharged and returned here to the USA in 1961 and moved to North Arlington. He enrolled in Fairleigh Dickinson’s MBA program where he graduated with a Master’s degree in Finance. Bill worked for the Franciscan Health System at St. Francis Hospital in Jersey City for 5 years as Manager of Internal Audit. He then moved to The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood where he worked for 14 years as Director of Internal Audit having set up the audit program at the hospital. He retired from Valley in 2005. In 1993, Bill entered the Permanent Diaconate Program in the Archdiocese of Newark. He was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on June 3rd, 1995, and was assigned here to Queen of Peace Church where he served until he entered Eternal Life on June 15, 2022.

Gary M. Sabak, Music Director

P: (201)-997-0700 | E: 115

Rosemary Smith, Pastoral Assistant

P: (201)-997-0700 | E:

Doreen Allaghi, Business Administrator

P: (201)-997-0700 | E:

Ralph Fattorusso

Queen of Peace Church
Serving the Community since 1922

Parish Rectory Phone: (201) 997-0700 | Fax: (201) 997-6214

Religious Ed: (201) 998-0901 | Grammar School: (201) 998-8222

10 Franklin Place, North Arlington, NJ 07031

Church Doors Open:
Monday-Saturday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Sunday 7:00AM-1:00PM

