Queen of Peace Church Grammar School has made so many improvements over the years to make sure that the QPGS students have everything that they need to succeed. Part of those improvements is a brand new fenced off area in front of the school. The QPGS Home School Association is organizing a fundraiser to raise funds to install a playground surface and equipment in that area of the school. All funds donated will be for the exclusive use of QPGS to install a brand-new playground on the grounds for the use of QPGS students. Please contribute what you can to make our dream of this playground a reality. Every dollar counts! No donation is too small! QPGS is a registered non-profit. If you would like a formal letter acknowledging receipt of the donation for tax purposes, kindly contact the QPGS Grammar School with proof of donation. Thank you in advance on behalf of all the QPGS students! Go to: https://www.gofundme.com/f/qpchurchgrammarschool-playground-fundraiser
Donations may also be made by checks payable to “Queen of Peace Grammar School” with “QPGS Playground Fund” noted in the memo section and mailed/dropped off at the main office at Queen of Peace Grammar School.