Last weekend, we as a parish family, sent our brothers and sisters in the RCIA/RCIC, accompanied by their sponsors, Therese Bellifemine our Director of Religious Education, and our Pastor Father Anthony, to be presented to our Archbishop, Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Newark, within the Rite of Election and the Rite of Continuing Conversion. As Catechumen, during these ceremonies the Elect expressed their intention to be initiated into the Catholic Church, along with our Candidates who will likewise expressed their desire to complete initiation into the Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
The RCIA/RCIC is a spiritually moving process involving the support of and is beneficial to the whole parish community. Please keep our Elect and Candidates in your prayers, as they enter their final period of preparation to be joyfully welcomed into our holy Catholic Church this Easter Season.
See the photos from the Cathedral of the Candidates and Sponsors along with Father Anthony and Therese Bellifemine.