Marriage Preparation

The parish community of Queen of Peace Church shares in your excitement in desiring to receive the sacrament of Marriage.  Our clergy and pastoral staff look forward to assisting you in your preparation.

We wholeheartedly believe that these coming months of preparation will provide you the opportunity to reflect, enrich, and prepare for the wonderful gift of the sacrament of Marriage.  As a faith-filled Catholic community, we uphold the Church’s teaching that this sacrament is a life-long, indissoluble commitment in which a man and a woman are united in a sacred and loving bond.  So that this wonderful sacrament is thoughtfully entered into, we invite you to take part in our Marriage Preparation Program with an open mind and heart.

Where to Start

The Marriage Preparation Program at Queen of Peace Church is designed to foster a fruitful and loving marriage rooted in the Catholic tradition.  Initially the couple has an introductory meeting with our Pastor, Fr. Anthony Di Stefano.  Thereafter, the program begins with an initial meeting with one of our priests who will both journey with you in the program and also serve as the celebrant in your wedding.  This is then followed by the Pre-Marriage Inventory assessing the couple’s compatibility, and then, as a couple you will follow with one to two additional follow-up sessions with the priest.

Wedding Checklist

  • Be registered and active in the parish.
  • Call the rectory at 201-997-0700 to make arrangements or use our online form below to inquire about planning a Wedding.
  • Initially meet with our Pastor, Fr. Anthony, to discuss the process and confirm the proposed date and time.
    • The time for a wedding on a Friday or other weekday must be arranged with the pastor based on particular circumstances and on other ministries and activities scheduled in the church.  Please keep in mind that on Saturdays we must accommodate funeral and baptisms throughout the day, as well as confessions that take place at 1pm and Mass at 5pm.  On Sunday, we have Masses throughout the morning and baptisms can also take place in the afternoon.   Potential wedding times may be scheduled as follows:
    • Friday/Weekdays: From 2:00pm until 4:00pm
    • Saturday: From 1:00pm until 3:00pm
    • Sunday: From 2:00pm until 4:00pm
  • Following the introductory meeting, you will receive an email from the pastor confirming the wedding date and time details.

One of our priests will then contact you to arrange your first Pre-Cana marriage preparation meeting.  The marriage preparation process includes several meetings with the priest.  At these meetings your relationship with each other and with God will be discussed, as well as planning out your wedding ceremony.

  • Schedule your rehearsal: Rehearsals are scheduled with the priest who will celebrate your wedding at a time that is mutually agreeable and also confirmed by the pastor that the church is available.
  • Attend a scheduled session of both Pre-Cana Conference & God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage and submit certificate to your preparing priest. You may register for these programs here: Pre-Cana & God’s Plan for Joy Filled Marriage.
  • Submit Baptismal certificates: If you were baptized at Queen of Peace your baptism certificate will be easily attainable here.  Persons not baptized in Queen of Peace Church must contact the church of their baptism to receive a copy of their baptismal certificate.  This must be a new and updated copy dated within 6 months of the wedding.
  • Final ceremony meeting with Priest.
  • Meet with Music Director, Natasha Gonzalez, to discuss the music for the Wedding.
  • Rehearsal: You are asked to have your wedding party in the church at the scheduled time. Please bring the Marriage license and all fees with you to the rehearsal and give them to the Priest.
  • Wedding Day

In the weeks and months ahead as you plan for the reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony we suggest that you spend some time each day in prayer, reading of the Bible, spiritual reading and in works of mercy. Often prayers in the days ahead, both alone and together, will deepen your personal relationship and your relationship with God.


The couple should contact our Music Director shortly after their first meeting with the priest to establish contact. As you get closer, within 3 months of the wedding, arrangements for music should be made with Gary Sabak our Director of Music. A thorough and complete planning session will take place between the music director and the couple in which they will select music reflecting the dignified worship of God. Secular music is not allowed.


During the course of your marriage preparation, you will receive a booklet, Together For Life, which contains selections of readings and prayers that are used in the Nuptial Mass or Ceremony.  The priest preparing you will go over the booklet with you on the options.  We ask you to carefully choose the selections that resonate with you about the spirituality of your marriage. You can also find copies of typical Readings from Sacred Scripture for your selection appropriate for wedding ceremonies.

Inquiry About Planning a Wedding

Queen of Peace Church
Serving the Community since 1922

Parish Rectory Phone: (201) 997-0700 | Fax: (201) 997-6214

Religious Ed: (201) 998-0901 | Grammar School: (201) 998-8222

10 Franklin Place, North Arlington, NJ 07031

Church Doors Open:
Monday-Saturday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Sunday 7:00AM-1:00PM

